DOGS – Akita
The Akita is a large breed of dog originating from the mountainous regions of northern Japan. The Akita is a big, bold dog with a distinctly powerful appearance: a large head in contrast to small, triangular eyes; and a confident, rugged stance. The mere presence of a powerful Akita serves as a deterrent to most who would cause trouble. Males stand 26 to 28 inches and weigh 85 to 130 pounds and females stand 24 to 26 inches and weigh 70 to 110 pounds. The Akita is double-coated, with the undercoat being very dense and plush; the topcoat is short. There are many different colors and color combinations in the American Akita, including black, white, chocolate, a combination of color and white, or brindle. The Akita is a bold and willful dog, naturally wary of strangers but extremely loyal to their family. They are alert, intelligent, and courageous. The Akita does not back down from challenges and does not frighten easily. Consequently, they are fearless and loyal guardians of their families.